Invisible -Unsichtbar-
A downloadable game
Invisible - Unsichtbar - is a solitaire wargame that depicts the struggles of a U-Boot Kommandant and his crew during WWII.
The game takes place through a series of turns where you will be patrolling for merchant ships and destroying as many of them as possible.
Choose between the two types of U-Boots available: Type VIIC or IXC. Pick the ID, U-boot nickname and Kommandant name.
Place the U-BOOT markers at the first black dot to the right of the Approach box and the other one on top of the U-BOOT Depth box. Place the Escort marker on top of the Escort box.
Now you are ready to start your patrol.
Step 1: The Approach: Roll 2d6 to find out the events for the day. Check under the Approach box and resolve event.
Step 2: If you roll a SIGHTING, roll 3d6 and total it. Place the 3 dice (they represent 3 ships of a Convoy you Sighted) at that range total. Example: The roll is an 8, place dice on the Medium Rage (7-12)
Step 3: Roll 1d6 for the Weather/Time of Day.
Now you may decide if you want to engage the Convoy. Night and bad weather can really hurt your chances of accomplishing your mission before the Convoy gets away or you get chased off by an Escort...choose your engagements wisely. You are never obligated to engage with a Convoy but don't forget...your main goal is to sink as many merchant ships as possible and make your way back home.
If you do engage with the Convoy, follow the Sequence of Play thereafter until the Convoy gets away or you decide to let them go yourself, or you get sunk by an Escort : )
A Successful patrol is achieved when you make your way back home with 30+ tons of sunken ships.
I hope this is helpful to get the game to the table faster and expedite the beginning of your career as a U-BOOT Kommandant.
One more thing...enjoy the game!
BattleReady Wargames signing off.
ps: please leave a review on the bgg website (link below) so the game can get ranked. ๐ Thank you
Example of play #1
Let's say I have a Sighting. Weather is Day/Good and rolled an 8 for Convoy placement (medium range - bottom dot. ), U-Boot at the Approach. I decide to engage with them.
Round 1
1- I decide to stay surfaced and move up 2 black dots which places me at the top dot in the close range.
2- ASW phase - nothing happens.
3 - Convoy moves up to the top dot in the Medium range.
4 - I decide to use 4 torpedoes. I have a +1 range DRM (I'm at the close range and Convoy is at the Medium range - only 1 range away)
My to hit number now is 4 + 1 DRM for a total of 5 or above. I shoot all 4 for 5,4,2,6. 2 hits, not bad at all. Now I must roll to see if they actually explode on impact. 1s are duds and everything else is an explosion. I roll 2,2 - phew that was close.
Now I roll for tonnage on the bottom of the page. 8 tons total, pretty good score so far.
5 - Damage control - nothing happens. No injuries and no damage to the boat yet.
Round 2
- I stay surfaced and move up 2 dots to the top dot of the Medium range. During Day/good per rules I'm automatically found.
-ASW - Escort moves down the escort track now. He is coming for me.
- Convoy moves up to the Long range dot.
- Since I'm reloading all of my torpedoes this turn I can't fire them yet. I decide to use my deck gun against the lonely ship.
I roll 2d6 to a base hit of 4 + 1 DRM range. (U-boot at Medium range and Convoy at the Long range) for a total of 5 or above to hit. I roll 3 and 4. Not great.
- Damage control phase - nothing happens.
to be continued.
Status | Released |
Category | Physical game |
Rating | Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars (1 total ratings) |
Author | battlereadywargames |
Tags | Board Game, kriegsmarine, solitaire, submarine, u-boot |
Install instructions
Print and play
please leave a review on the bgg website (link below) so the game can get ranked. ๐ Thank you
Development log
- V3 updateApr 08, 2023
- V2 UpdatesMar 09, 2023
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Very nice design, and a lot of game in a small format (the way it should be).
My questions:
- I spot a convoy at long range, approch 2 black dots, but the convoy goes off the board anyway immediately before the U-Boot attack phase? On one hand it's realistic to lose contact. Alternatively by approaching the convoy could be moved to lower black dots.
- I didn't find the table for the range DRM (except in the Example of Play: +2 DRM for "medium".
Uwe Schmidt Thank you for your comments Uwe.
-You can house rule it that way if you prefer. I usually let them "go" at that range especially if it's not Day/good. Don't like wasting my torpedoes or time lol
-Each range of distance from the convoy is a +1 drm. Will update this. Thank you for bringing it up.
If you have time, please leave a review on the bgg website (link below) so the game can get ranked. ๐ Thank you